Final Skill Level Contents
we have finished the contents for the future Skill Level System. …
Hey guys,
we got another lot of Feedback and are about to release the next prototypes. If there is not much negative feedback on them, we consider them as final versions.
Here they are: …
Hey everybody,
the Skill Level Development Committee has taken a break over the last month but we are back and happy to continue with our work towards new Skill Levels. We will continue with releasing prototypes.
We have been worked on the next skill level prototypes, here they are:
Extreme Levels …
With the last two prototypes and your feedback, we experienced new approaches to skill levels. It’s about time getting more concrete about the final levels. This round of prototypes heads towards this goal. The prototypes as you know them are gone and are replaced by new ones, with new names. We have been discussing the prototypes and here are the results. At first, what happened to the first and second generation prototypes and then the new generation (3rd). …
Hey everybody,
the IUF Skill Level Development Committeee has been considering your feedback for the first Skill Level prototypes. The drafts got revised based on your feedback. Although much more progress showed up especially the last week(s), which unfortunately was to much for this round and will be included in within the next revision. …
Hey everybody,
the IUF Skill Level Development Committeee has published the first Prototypes of new unicycle skill levels. Now the authors can’t wait for your constructive feedback. …
Hi everybody,
the IUF Skill Level Committee has finished the requirements for new Levels. Based on them, we will see different implementations, which I am really excited about. The first drafts will arrive in the first week of June. We are also really excited what the public will say about them. We are looking forward to your Feedback. This is how to get in contact with us: …
New Skill Levels arrive in the first week of JuneRead More »
Hey everybody,
I just want to inform you, that the Skill Level Development Committee has started working. I will keep you informed about the progress via the IUF Blog. …