Skill Levels are a training instrument to help riders progress with logical learning steps. The Skill Levels teach the basic unicycling skills and general movement patterns. With the Skill Levels riders learn a broad range of unicycling skills and a solid basic education to get them started with the higher class of unicycling skills.
The Official IUF Skill Levels can be found here
The first Skill Levels has been development in 1998 and these proposed skill levels were been developed 2010/11. The original Skill Levels are still the official IUF Levels, with the new levels as a draft for the future. (The original Skill Levels are available on the IUF’s Publications page.) You can watch Thomas Gossmann’s talk at Unicon 16 outlining some problems with the original levels and how the new levels attempt to solve these problems.
Table of Contents
A german translation is available at